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Caramel Slice or Caramel Shortbread

So what is the difference between caramel slice and caramel shortbread, it can be simply explained in one way, BAKED CARAMEL. We all know that a caramel slice or shortbread, consist of the same 3 layers, a biscuit base, caramel and topped with a layer of chocolate. It makes such an amazing slice with the combination of the three, which is very sickly sweet. So yesterday I made the shortbread version for my Australian cousins, lets just say it’s always a winner!Caramel Shortbread Close up

My Childhood and Caramel Shortbread

I have loved caramel shortbread since I was child, I remember my mummabear buying it from the shops like you can in England. I used to eat quite a lot of the squares. Ever since I moved to Australia, you cannot find caramel shortbread on the shelves just slice version. When I first came I just thought they were the same, but one day I came to taste and realised a huge difference in texture in the caramel. It wasn’t as gooey. So it wasn’t till about last year, that I really wanted to know why it isn’t the same. I actually googled it, I read many caramel slice recipes, and started to see the difference from mine to their’s. The only thing was that they place the caramel in the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes, which actually makes it set to a solid nearly. In Australia, I have found that baking the caramel makes it a lot easier to cut and serve without it actually melting on the plate. The caramel not melting to me isn’t right and so, in Vanilla Sprinkles, I will sell caramel shortbread, but it will just be stored in the fridge cabinet.

Caramel shortbread

So if you would like to see for yourself, which one you think is better. I’m going to post my recipe for caramel shortbread under the recipe category. I hope to see your creation of it!


Miss LozzyBeth

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