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New Year 2022 – Return of Blogging
The years in business seem to be flying by! I started Vanilla Sprinkles with just a blog and a youtube channel, and it’s time to bring those back! Now with Vanilla Sprinkles being a full-time Coffee and Cupcake Van, I think this blog needs an update too! What’s happened between 2017 and 2022?? 2017 Graduated
Lauren goes on holiday
Hey guys, here is a new video for all of you. This time, I filmed a vlog when I was away on HOLIDAY. I hope you enjoy the video!
A day in the Life of Assistant Pastry Cook
So Fridays are the day I always work, which can be slightly annoying. Well because you guys are like T.G.I.F, and I’m like I need Saturday right now! It is really not that bad. I just, well I think we all get the feeling of not wanting to go to work. I would much prefer to
Caramel Slice or Caramel Shortbread
So what is the difference between caramel slice and caramel shortbread, it can be simply explained in one way, BAKED CARAMEL. We all know that a caramel slice or shortbread, consist of the same 3 layers, a biscuit base, caramel and topped with a layer of chocolate. It makes such an amazing slice with the
Delightful Choc Chip Cookies
An all time favourite for everyone, they are soft, chewy and a bit crunchy.

Owner of Vanilla Sprinkles
Lauren is a young, hardworking entrepreneur who focused on building a successful business about her love for cupcakes and coffee! Hoping to change the world one cupcake at a time!